Monday, December 6, 2010

Inaugural Post!

It is Dec. 6th here in Canada which means I haven't been climbing outside in a while! It is driving me crazy. To fill the void I've been endlessly trawlling the interwebs for interest climbing news, blogs, gear reviews, and videos. I've been doing this of course as a distraction from doing what I probably should be doing - studying for my finals. I'm currently in my 3rd year of university and that keeps me pretty busy. Anyway, after debate I have decided to start my own climbing blog. Maybe someone will even read it one day!

I'm sure in the future I'll quote and reference other blogs a bunch but hopefully this blog won't just end up being a mish-mash of other people's thoughts, ideas, videos, and whatever. I am a climbing instructor (ACMG CGI level 1) so I'm sure I'll always have the indoor stuff to yammer on about as well as my outdoor adventures.

I've created a seperate page that I'll be posting some random videos on. I'll be adding to that from time to time.

I have had a blog that I've been writing on my page. I don't think I'll bother copying my past posts from there onto here. If you're keen you can check it out at your own leisure.


  1. I love your blog so far! Excellent background by the's really great!

  2. Thanks Kristin. Did you see the deep water solo video I was talking about?
