Thursday, January 13, 2011

Red Rocks Trip

I got back from my trip to Red Rocks (near Vegas) a little over a week ago now. It was a pretty fun trip although some unfortunate things did happen. The weather was pretty cold. It even snowed in Vegas while we were there. There was also a lot of wind and rain. I brought my new video camera along to document the trip but ended up not filming a lot of the climbing that we did do (mostly because I was concerned about the effects of wind and rain on my new camera). I did get some climbing on video however including: Me working Wonderstuff 5.12d, a really bad onsight attempt of Man Eater 5.12a, My onsight/flash of Caustic, and an interesting sped up version of my buddy Robin working Baseboy Direct 5.11a. I call the send of Caustic an onsight/flash because three of the four draws were in when I did it. Robin had worked the route before but I didn't watch him because I really wanted to onsight it. Not caught on tape was my onsight of Michael Angelo 5.11b and my flash of Range of Motion 5.11d. All the video taken was at the Canibal Craig in the Calico Basin. Enjoy! I included a bunch of the drive down to illustrate how long of a drive it was (feel free to skip it if you get bored). I also put a shot of some of the weather we dealt with after the credits.

I started getting some kind of overuse injury on my left ring finger from working Wonderstuff so I guess I'll be climbing without that finger for the next little while. We'll see how it goes tonight at the wall.

Last year on my old blog (on my page) I posted a list of routes that I wanted to climb for the year. My next post here will be a little review of those routes and some thoughts for 2010. My post after that I will reveal my list of routes for 2011.

Here's the video:

Vegas Trip 2010/11 from MikeG on Vimeo.

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