It was a little chilly on Saturday October 8th but we decided to go out to Grassi Lakes anyway! We had a fun time with frozen appendages (fingers, hands, toes) and managed to climb some stuff too! My gf and my friend Claire and I went out and climbed. We warmed up on a 5.9 at the White Imperialist Right wall called Lawyers, Guns and Money. It was alright. Then Claire hopped on her new project Meathooks 5.11a. She looked good on it. I think it's only a matter of time before she gets that one. I continued my warmup by cleaning Meathooks for Claire. We then headed over to the Gardener's wall where Claire climbed another 5.9. After that it was still sunny up at White Imperialist Right again so we headed back there.
There is a 5.12a up there that is a direct start into a 5.11a. I figured that would be a good candidate for an onsight since the the 12 crux is at the bottom. I had never onsighted a 12 before but definitely felt like it was in the realm of my possibilities. After a long time studying the bottom boulder problem I some how slapped my way through it. The rest of the route was a slightly overhanging 5.11a pumpfest. I was pretty pumped by the time I was near the top but I was not about to let go. It's a few days later now and I'm still excited about having onsighted that route and happy with my current physical shape. I have definitely pumped off of stuff easier than that in the past so it felt good to affirm that I have been progressing! Cool stuff. Climbing is so much fun. I should get some pics from this excursion from my friend to post on here soon.
Update: Some pictures,
Keeping the fingers warm. |
Claire on Meathooks 5.11a |
Me at the top of A Bold New Plan Direct 5.12a |
The thumbs up from the anchor. |